Below are some links to people and companies that have been faithful and enthusiastic supporters. It is difficult to say where I would be without their help. Please have a look at the web links provided, and contact them directly (or contact me) if you would like more information.
 | James Anthony |
Known as a guitar player’s guitar player, Jimmy is an extraordinary musician, equally at home playing electric or acoustic instruments. He smoothly switches genre from electric to acoustic blues, or western to bluegrass, or finger style to plectrum. James plays a Wray acoustic guitar, Model "000-cc-JA" with Fishman Acoustic Matrix electronics, and I am honored to have him enthusiastically endorse my instruments. Hear James play his 000-cc on YouTube, click the link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N7Nhq36i0IJames can be reached at: Sound Investments Recording Studio
 | 20/20 Studios, Terry Asma |
All I can say (and I think it says it all) is: Terry is an awesome photographer! All of the good photos on this site were taken by him. As a journalistic team, he and his wife, business partner and collaborator, Katrina, are producing heartfelt and touching essays which document the plights and hardships of third world inhabitants. See some of their recent work and contact info at terry@2020studios.com www.2020studios.com (905) 526-6103
 | Terry Lewis |
A good friend and probably the biggest fan of my work, Terry (better known as "Lewy") has helped promote and spread the word of my guitars across the country. This is not his main gig: he sells industrial magnets and motors along with the service that those products require, for Magnetech Industrial Services, Inc. When Lewy gets behind you, you have a promoter of uncommon dedication. He is the man if you need a BIG magnet (or a very nice guitar). The Acoustic Guitar (Calgary) (403) 880-2166 http://www.acousticguitar.net B Band (pickups / electret transducers) Luthiers Mercantile International, Inc. 1-800-477-4437 http://www.lmii.com
Bow River Specialty Woods 1-866-795-3462 http://www.bowriverwoods.com
The Centre for Advanced Wood Processing The University of British Columbia http://www.cawp.ubc.ca
George Heinl Company Ltd. 1-800-387-7858 http://www.georgeheinl.com
Wes-Can Music Supplies Ltd. 1-800-661-9960 http://www.wescanmusic.com
The Guitar Sherpa http://www.theguitarsherpa.com
Terri's Bassaholic http://www.Bass-Aholic.com
Bluedog Guitars http://www.BluedogGuitars.com